How to Get Students to Think Critically About Their Food Choices

How are the foods that students eat today different from those that were commonly eaten when their grandparents were children? How are they different from foods in other cultures?
In this lesson, students interview an elder or someone from another culture to learn about foods in different times or places. This gives them broader insight for thinking critically about their own food choices.
Grade Levels: 3–5
Key Concepts: What people typically eat varies from culture to culture and from one time period to another. We can learn about our own food habits and choices by asking people questions and listening to stories about theirs. Changes in the typical United States diet over the last 50 to 100 years have had both positive and negative consequences.
Estimated Time: One 30-minute period to plan the interview, one to conduct the interview, and one for discussion and wrap-up
Download Food Traditions Interview Lesson (500k pdf)